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14,500,000 JPY
-Recommended - of the Properties
・A 14-minute walk from Osaka Metro Tanimachi Line "Yaominami"/"Nagahara" Station
・10 stories above the ground condominium of 182 Total Units
・The Plan which two Western-style rooms are next to in LDK
・I adopt island kitchen counter enjoying the conversation with the family
・It is cupboard available behind a kitchen
・WIC is established in two Western-style rooms and can utilize house space widely
・I secure storage space in all rooms
・There is storing near the entrance, and the use at the time of the going out ・ return is smooth
・The Facing South Terrace which LDK and one Western-style room face
・Possible delivery immediately (after the after closing)
■ ━━━━━ ... which helps with search for house you like
The detailed ・ Ask of the Properties, please feel free to contact us.
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