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Oyamanishicho, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo Land


Parking lot I photograph it from the anterior surface of Southwest side road

Parking lot I photograph it from the anterior surface of Southwest side road

Parking lot I photograph it from the anterior surface of Southwest side road

Parking lot I photograph it from the anterior surface of Southwest side road

Parking lot The present, the field of the pay-by-the-hour parking

Parking lot A national highway has good convenience characteristics on both sides road to include

Parking lot I am suitable for various uses including a Parking lot site, a building site, the house as investment property site

Front road The anterior surface of Northeast side road is Kawagoe Highway

Front road The anterior surface of Northeast side road

Front road The anterior surface of Southwest side road is a public road of about 8m

Front road The anterior surface of Southwest side road

Municipal Itabashi sixth elementary school (about 300m)

Municipal Itabashi second junior high school (about 270m)


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Surrounding map

Address Oyamanishicho, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo > GoogleMap
