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High needle North house Building C

Condominium (Strata Title) Leased

The appearance photograph

The appearance photograph

The appearance photograph


Common area

Common area Elevator

Common area Meeting place

Parking lot in the site

Common area Garbage depot

Common area Bicycle place

Common area Bicycle place

Parking lot for the visitor

フィールクオリテ Takabari, Meito store (about 440m)

AEON mate peer shop (about 500m)

Seven-Eleven 3, Takabari, Meito store (about 300m)

Fukadaike Park (about 200m)

High needle elementary school (about 210m)

Takabaridai Junior High School (about 1,000m)


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Surrounding map

Address Nomacho, Meitou-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi > GoogleMap
