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5, Asagayakita Detached House

Detached House

It is the room with a feeling of opening

The appearance

The entrance, hall Entrance

The entrance, hall

Open ceiling There are brightness and a feeling of opening.

Living and dining room


Terrace It is an extensive garden.

Kitchen A quantity of storing is abundant.

Bus It is a bright bathroom.

Master bedroom

Garden on the first floor

Entrance Entrance

Entrance Entrance

Suginami City Mabashi Elementary School (about 550m) A 7-minute walk.

Suginami City Sugimori Junior High School (about 240m) A 3-minute walk.

Mabashi Park (about 420m) A 6-minute walk.

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Surrounding map

Address 5, Asagayakita, Suginami-ku, Tokyo > GoogleMap
