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148,000,000 JPY
International exchange base "TAKANAWA GATEWAY CITY" where new culture ・ business continues being made close
Kajima Corporation construction ・ design "Dorf Takanawa"
<about Nearest Station>
■A 5-minute walk from Toei Asakusa Line "Sengakuji" Station
■A 9-minute walk from JR Yamanote Line ・ Keihin-Tohoku Line "Takanawa Gateway" Station
<indoor reform career (August, 2009 enforcement)>
■Wall paper change, flooring swap
■Place equipped with a water supply Facilities replaced (kitchen, bathroom, washroom, restroom)
■Housing part newly installed
■Boiler replaced
<Characteristics of the room>
■An authority of exposure to the sun ・ style is good because of 6th floor, a West ・ East Orientation dwelling unit
■94.22 square meters of exclusive area, 1LDK+WIC
■Extensive living and dining room kitchen (about 31.8 quires)
■A quantity of storing including a walk-in closet and the wall surface storing is abundant
■Kitchen Facilities (built-in water purifier, Dishwasher and dryer)
■There is picture rail (LD)
<Characteristics of the building>
■Seismic strengthening construction (1st independence pillar) enforcement (2003 enforcement)
■Large-scale repair construction enforcement finished (2017 enforcement)
■There is an entrance Automoatic lock function
■Elevator four planes in total
■Manager six days a week duty (from Monday to Saturday/9:00-16:00)
■73 Total Units
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