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Glarsa Shibuya Shoto

Condominium Unit Reform & renovation Viewing by prior appointment

View View

View A view from LD ・ Terrace. We have a feeling of omission for the view for a hill.

Living About 13.6 quires of LDK. The LD part has the floor heating, too.

Living As the air-conditioner of the living is implanted, there is not the feeling of pressure.

Kitchen With dishwasher. The function easy to use including three shares of cookers and grill is abundant.

Kitchen The island kitchen counter which enjoys the conversation.

Washstand The storage space can secure three washstands for a mirror, too.

Bathroom With bathroom ventilation with clothes drying function ability.

Restroom Restroom

Western-style room About five quires of Western-style rooms. You can spend it for Southwest Orientation brightly.

Western-style room

Western-style room Walk-in closet available big in about 6.8 quires of Western-style rooms.

Shoe closet Shoe closet

The entrance The entrance

Entrance approach Entrance approach

Entrance Entrance

Lobby Lobby

Lobby Lobby

Elevator hall Elevator hall

Lobby Lobby

Parking lot Parking lot

My Basket Komaba 1 chome shop (about 450m)

Toho University medical center Ohashi Hospital (about 1,300m)

Shibuya City Jinnan elementary school (about 1,200m)

Shibuya-ku government office (about 1,300m)

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Surrounding map

Address Shinsencho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo > GoogleMap

Inquiry Viewing by prior appointment
Viewing by prior appointment Inquiry