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Condominium Unit

The appearance The appearance

The first-floor entrance The first-floor entrance

The second-floor entrance The second-floor entrance

Kids space Kids space

Bay view lounge Bay view lounge

Library salon Library salon

Entrance lounge Entrance lounge

Fitness room Fitness room

Terrace lounge Terrace lounge

Cigar room Cigar room

Laundry room Laundry room

The first-floor entrance The first-floor entrance

The second-floor lobby The second-floor lobby

The second-floor lobby The second-floor lobby

The second-floor entrance The second-floor entrance

The second-floor entrance The second-floor entrance

Yokohama Station (JR East) (about 180m) A 3-minute walk.

My Basket Yokohama Station North shop (about 230m) A 3-minute walk.

Create S ・ D Yokohama Tsuruyacho shop (about 60m) Mischief one minute.

Yokohama Tsuruyacho post office (about 180m) A 3-minute walk.

Yokohama City Aoki Elementary School (about 660m) A 9-minute walk.

Yokohama City Kuritaya junior high school (about 1,560m) A 20-minute walk.

Floor plan
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Surrounding map

Address 1, Tsuruyacho, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa > GoogleMap
