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1, Ikunohigashi, Ikuno-ku

Detached House

Local photograph It is Mikata corner lot of the West ・ North ・ East

The appearance photograph I am faced with front road width about 14.7m

Local photograph I am faced with front road width about 14.7m

Local photograph It is Mikata corner lot of the West ・ North ・ East

The second-floor Japanese-style room It is the room with the window in two east and west (in the west the tent available of the store)

The second-floor Japanese-style room It is the room with the window in two east and west (in the west the tent available of the store)

The second-floor Japanese-style room It is the room with the window in two east and west (in the west the tent available of the store)

1st Western-style room It is a room of two lighting of East and the West

Local photograph I am faced with front road width about 14.7m

The appearance photograph It is Mikata corner lot of the West ・ North ・ East

The first-floor part is Leased as a store
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Surrounding map

Address 1, Ikunohigashi, Ikuno-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka > GoogleMap
