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Famile Okayama

Condominium Unit Reform & renovation

The Renovated is beautiful in April, 2024; live.

I am belonging to convenient all rooms storage space! It is a room of the 3LDK.

Life convenience facilities are substantial locations.

I connect it with a neighboring Western-style room, and there is it in the space of the unhurried area.


A family and the meeting kitchen which I can cook while enjoying a conversation.

A system kitchen with three shares of cooker grills. Efficiently as for the dishes easily.

A quantity of storing has abundant kitchens with a cupboard. I can use it to the use Purpose.


Intercom with the monitor

In a new bathtub, a wall and the floor are beautiful, too.

With warm water cleanliness toilet seat which is comfortable in the restroom.

Clean Dresser. The appearance is refreshing in three mirrors when I close large-capacity storing when I open out.

Bright sunlight comes in through a window of the Southwest Orientation.

Western Western-style room

The east side Western-style room

Storing of the east side Western-style room

The north side Western-style room

Storing of the corridor

The entrance





As the bicycle parking lot is with a roof, I protect a bicycle from rain.

Motorcycle place

TOMATO BANK Haraoshima Branch (about 150m) A 2-minute walk.

Okayama Beach post office (about 610m) An 8-minute walk.

Okayama City Uno Elementary School (about 760m)

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Surrounding map

Address Hama, Naka-ku, Okayama-shi, Okayama > GoogleMap
