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Polestar Kurashiki Station West

Condominium Unit Viewing by prior appointment

Living It is living and dining room with a feeling of bright opening to be able to live pleasantly.

The appearance It is the appearance.

Living It is the 3LDK which set up an LD and the Japanese-style room which on earth is available.

Living It is living and dining room with a feeling of bright opening to be able to live pleasantly.

Kitchen I adopt the island kitchen counter which I can cook happily while watching the figure of the family resting in living.

Kitchen It is island kitchen counter of a space of the room even if I cook along with a child.

Kitchen It is the wide sink which is easy to do washing-up.

Kitchen It is a system kitchen with dishwasher.

Kitchen With three shares of cookers efficiently as for the dishes easily.

Kitchen It is a ventilation fan.

The room It is a Japanese-style room.

The room The Japanese-style room of the living side is good to the kids space where a child can play!

The room It is a Western-style room. (about 7.0 quires)

The room It is a Western-style room. (about 7.0 quires)

The room It is a Western-style room. (about 5.0 quires)

The room It is a Western-style room. (about 5.0 quires)

Washing face It is the Dresser with the wide mirror. It is the area that I am easy to get ready for before the outing in families.

Bus As it is with a bathroom dryer, washing is reliable because of rain.

Restroom It is a restroom with the wide storing including the storage of a cleaning article and the toilet paper.

The entrance There is the large mirror which is indispensable to an outfit check before the attendance.

Storing There is storage space in the corridor.

Terrace Exposure to the sun is good, and the plentiful laundry dries well!

Terrace Exposure to the sun is good, and the plentiful laundry dries well!

View As it is front Building nothing, a view is good.

Common area It is area and an opening-like lounge corner with the brightness.

Parking lot It is Parking lot.

Common area It is a bicycle parking lot.

Common area It is the entrance which is full of green, and is wonderful.

The appearance It is the appearance.

It is the 3LDK of the 9th floor part which a view has good.
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Address 1, Oimatsucho, Kurashiki-shi, Okayama > GoogleMap

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